Contact Us

Contact Us

Get in touch with us to talk about dog training today! We can get started right away with training your dog and turning him into the well-mannered companion and team mate he can be for you.

Give us a call: 505-553-2886
Email us: [email protected]


SpiritDog Training provides in-person dog training for the greater Albuquerque area as well as online training for clients all over the planet. Hundreds of dog owners have trainer their dogs through our online training programs and in-person.

Give us a call and tell us about your dog, his characteristics and your goals for him. Which training skills does he already have? What do you want to improve about his behavior?

We will recommend the training options best suited for your dog his training needs.


Why should you contact us?

If you are looking for advice and guidance in training your dog, you came to the right place. There are as many different issues as there are dogs, and we understand that no situation is the same as the next one. We will not present you a cookie-cutter approach to solving behavior or obedience issues, but rather see you and your dog as individuals and tailor our solutions to you. Training for dogs does not need to be boring and frustrating. Let us show you how we can make it fun for both owner and dog!

Did you just adopt a puppy?

When a young puppy joins your family there are so many questions!

  • How often should he get fed?
  • How many walks does he need?
  • When should the obedience training start?
  • And how does potty training work?
  • Should the puppy sleep in a crate?
  • What toys are good?
  • How can I learn to understand and influence my dog’s behavior?

We can help you with answers to all these (and any other) questions. We love puppy training and are experienced in what it takes to raise your pup to become the dog of your dreams.

Are you looking for obedience training?

It is much easier to start training before your dog rehearses bad habits too much. We can teach you how to prevent him from pulling on leash and ignoring you from day one.

But also if your dog already has a history of not being the most well-behaved dog, we got your back. We have taken hundreds of dogs from being wild and crazy to focused, well-mannered companions.

Do you need help with behavioral problems?

Whether your dog has separation anxiety, is reactive towards other dogs, fearful during thunderstorms or shows resource guarding tendencies, we can help you show him that there is a better, more relaxed way of living – without these issues! No matter what behaviors you want to fix, we can assist you on your path to making your dog calm and content.

Are you looking for fun classes to bond with your dog?

We offer a variety of interactive classes, such as agility or mantrailing. If your dog does not have any behavioral issues that need to be addressed, it is time to let him shine and enjoy the great team that he and you will build.

Our classes will keep your dog active and happy, while also wearing him out. A tired dog who will take a long nap is pretty much guaranteed after a class with us!

Do you have a busy schedule ?

Are your days are full with work, errands, taking care of your family and trying to find some time for yourself to relax? We can take over the dog training for you. In our dog day training program our trainer comes to your house during the day to exercise, train, play with and walk your dog. When you return home at night you can rest assured that your dog had a great day with a lot of learning and activity.

Clients repeatedly tell us that their dog is noticeably tired and content after the days that he had a dog day training visit.

SpiritDog Training S3
Two happy, well-behaved dogs trained at SpiritDog Training.