Rottweiler Growth Chart & Puppy Weight Calculator

Do you have an adorable Rottweiler puppy and wonder how large he or she will grow up to be? While all Rotties are big dogs, there can be quite a variety between the smallest females and the biggest males. Genetics largely decide the final size of your dog. Use our puppy growth calculator to see where your Rottweiler will end in in weight:

Rottweiler Weight Calculator & Growth Chart

Table of Contents

rottweiler growth

How big will my Rottweiler get?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) calls for the following sizes in Rottweilers:

  • Females should be 22-25 inches tall and weigh 80-100 pounds
  • Males should be 24-27 inches tall and weigh 95-135 pounds

Of course, it is impossible to predict your puppy’s exact adult weight, especially if the puppy is still very young.

In fact, the weight at birth is usually not a good indicator of the adult weight. Puppies of one litter can have different sizes, which are largely dependent on factors such as the intrauterine placement (i.e. where they laid in the mother’s tummy, and how well their placenta worked).

Only once a dog is about 12 weeks old, his weight allows us to make accurate predictions about his adult size.

What determines adult size?

As mentioned above, the biggest factor in adult size are your dog’s genetics. Environmental factors only have a small impact on your Rottweiler’s final weight.


Many owners assume that their puppy will be right in the middle of the mother’s and the father’s weight. This is not always correct! Size is not inherited in a straight-forward way. It can skip several generations and suddenly pop up again.

For example – your Rottweiler pup may have come from parents who both were of an average height and weight. The grandparent generation however had an especially tall dog. This trait can skip one generation and then be seen in the grandchildren. Your puppy might turn out to be an unusually tall and heavy Rottie, because he inherited that trait from 2 generations ago.

Intestinal issues

Certain intestinal diseases can stunt the growth in puppies. This especially applies to any kind of worms (hookworms, roundworms etc.) or a heavy case of giardia. The good news is that as soon as you treat the puppy, he will catch up on his growth. If you notice that your puppy has loose stools or does not gain weight even though he is eating plenty, get him checked out by a vet!

rottweiler pup with toy

Spay/neuter surgeries

During routine spay or neuter surgeries, the dog’s reproductive organs are removed. The hormones these organs produce regulate the dog’s growth to a certain extent. Especially if your dog is spayed/neutered early in life, he is likely to grow just a bit taller than his littermates who were altered later. 

On the other hand, dogs that are altered early in life are a bit more lanky and skinnier than their intact counterparts. In males, this difference is especially pronounced. A male Rottweiler that is neutered at 10 weeks will have a much narrower chest than his littermate who stays intact until he is 3 years old.

To sum up – early spay/neuter surgeries will make your dog just a bit taller, but at the same time give him/her a lighter build.

How much should a 2 month old Rottweiler weigh?

A two month old Rottie is still very young, and weights can vary widely at this age. Expect your Rottweiler to weigh between 11 and 17 pounds. This is quite a big range – determined by the pup’s birth weight, gender and initial weight gain.

If you are worried that your pup does not weigh enough, you should always see a veterinarian. Within the first months, your pup will need to see a vet frequently in any case to receive all needed vaccinations. During these visits you can address any concerns about weight gain.

How much should a 3 month old Rottweiler weigh?

At the age of 3 months, your Rottie will have gained quite a bit of weight and weigh in at about 30-40 pounds. Females can be expected to be at the lower end of this spectrum, while males are at the higher.

Ensuring healthy growth

There are a number of ways in which you can take care that your Rottweiler grows up to be a healthy dog at a good weight.


Without nutrition, your Rottweiler pup cannot grow! Make sure to feed him a high-quality food that is specifically made for large breed puppies. You can choose dry food, wet food, raw food, dehydrated food or a combination of those. You should NOT feed your dog a home-cooked diet. Dogs have very different nutritional needs from humans and their growth may be stunted if forced to eat a human-style diet (such as only chicken, rice and broccoli).

Several smaller meals are much better than one big meal. Until your puppy is about 3 months old you should plan to feed 4 meals a day, after that 2 meals. When your dog reaches his first birthday, you can switch to 2 meals every day.

It is generally not recommended to only feed dogs once a day. Because your Rottweiler would have to ingest a large quantity of food during the only feeding of the day, the risk of bloat is high.

rottie with a big bone

Vet care

Regular vet visits are important during your puppy’s first year of life. Do not skip on them. You should take care to administer any medication your vet prescribes, such as heartworm medication or treatments of any intestinal parasites such as giardia.



In order to grow up to be a healthy and strong dog, your Rottweiler puppy needs time to run and play every day. You should not keep your puppy in a crate the majority of the day. He needs to move freely over a variety of different surfaces and in different terrains. The more varied you can make his outings, the better. Take him for walks in the park, on the beach, in the snow etc. Agility training can be a wonderful addition to his exercise and training schedule.