Goldendoodle Growth Chart & Weight Calculator

Do you have a Goldendoodle pup and wonder how tall he or she will grow? Our growth calculator and charts will predict your dog’s adult weight. Simply put in your pup’s weight and age into our calculator and we will estimate the adult size!

Goldendoodle Weight Calculator & Growth Chart

Table of Contents


How big will my Goldendoodle get?

Most Goldendoodles will grow up to be 50-90 pounds heavy and standing 20-26 inches at the shoulder. Females are typically at the lower range of this height spectrum, while males are at the upper end.

Once your puppy is 2-4 months old, our puppy growth chart calculator will help you determine his future size pretty well. Of course, it is never a completely accurate prediction, as many factors can influence your pup’s final size.

If you are looking for an especially small Goldendoodle, there are specific mixes such as the Mini Goldendoodle or F1b Mini Goldendoodle that might be able to better fulfill your size requirements.

How do I best support my puppy’s growth?

Goldendoodles are large dogs that will require adequate nutrition and an ample supply of calories as they are growing up! Do not skip out on buying high-quality food for your Goldendoodle. Make sure that you take your growing pup to regular vet appointments to ensure his growth is on the right track.

To keep your pup healthy and happy, you need to also pay attention to his mental health and grooming upkeep. Offer your pup daily training, enrichment and puzzle toys. As a Doodle, your puppy will also require daily brushing and regular bathing with the right shampoo. This will keep his coat in good condition and prevent mats and tangles.

At what age are Goldendoodles full-grown?

As a large dog breed, Goldendoodles will take 1-2 years to reach their final size. Note that dogs do not grow linear in weight and height: They typically go through a “lanky teenager stage” and fill out after their first birthday.

This means that your Goldendoodle will probably reach his final height by his first birthday, but continue to gain weight.

This “filling out” process will be especially pronounced in dogs which have yet to be spayed or neutered. The earlier the dog was altered the more lanky he or she might stay throughout his life.

Some dogs visibly “drop their chest” after their first birthday. It truly looks like their chest became deeper and wider. They might also gain muscle mass around their shoulders and back legs.

As this is an individual process dependent on many factors, growth charts cannot always accurately represent this “filling out” process. 

Whether your dog will become a lot more muscular or not after his first birthday will depend on many factors, such as:

  • Parents’ weight and body type (lean, big-boned, muscular etc.)
  • Your lifestyle and exercise routines (dogs that get a lot of exercise will get leaner and more muscular than couch potato dogs)
  • The type of food you are feeding your growing Goldendoodle

When do Goldendoodle puppies stop growing?

Your puppy will only stop growing completely after he is about 16-18 months old.

However, his growth curve will already slow down considerably by the time he is around 10 months old. The most growth happens between 2 and 8 months – your puppy will seem to get a bit bigger every single day during that time! Afterwards, changes in size become less noticable.

It is a fun project to take a picture of your Goldendoodle pup every month to track his growth.

Where can I find an XXL Goldendoodle?

Again – it is impossible to predict any dog’s adult size accurately. If a breeder promises you a dog of a certain adult size, run – he or she is lying to you!

While there are breeders who are striving towards producing especially tall Goldendoodles, size should not be the main characteristic you are looking for. Whenever a dog breed is selected for one particular trait, others will fall by the side. Breeders that only try to create especially tall dogs might neglect to also select for great temperament and health. 

You should always inquire about your future puppy’s parents, their health tests and temperament. Do not make height (or color, coat type etc.) the only deciding factor!