How much does agility training cost?

Do you want to get started in the sport of dog agility, but are unsure how much you will spend on this new hobby with your canine friend? 

The fast answer is that you can get started with as little as $69 for an online course in dog agility. 

Depending on how much equipment you want to buy, this sport may quickly become expensive – unfortunately some obstacles such as the dogwalk or A-frame are not cheap! 

We have a comprehensive cost breakdown for you.

Table of Contents

dog weave poles agility

How much is dog agility training?

How much you spend on your dog’s agility training will depend on:

  • whether you take in-person or online instruction
  • where you live 
  • if you decide for private or group classes
  • how experienced your instructor is 
  • how well-equipped the agility course is that you train on

The most affordable option to start out in agility is through an online class. Our dog agility @ home online course offers over 100 lessons in dog agility, including plans on how to make your own jumps and dozens of course maps for small spaces!

If you decide to go with in-person instruction, you can expect to pay anywhere from $10-$70 for one lesson.

Private Lessons

One-on-one agility lessons are usually 30 minutes long. Agility is a very physical sport – your dog will run, jump, turn tightly and go up and down the dogwalk and A-frame. Even a half hour lesson is likely to make him very tired!

Private lessons might be as inexpensive as $20/lesson if you are training with a new trainer with less experience. If you are looking to train with a trainer who is successful in competitions (possibly even on a national level), expect to pay as much as $70 for a half hour lesson.

Group Classes

Group classes are more affordable than private lessons. When choosing your group class, make sure that it does not contain more than 5-6 dog and handler teams – otherwise you will not get many turns on the agility field!

Group classes can be as little as $10/hr or as much as $50/hr. The exact price will depend on the experience of the instructor, the size of the group as well as the facility at which you train.

Some clubs offer drop-in classes which are usually more affordable than a set of classes lasting 4 or 6 weeks.


Cost of Agility Training by Area

Throughout the US, the cost of agility training will vary based on your location. In general, rural areas have much lower costs. This is on the one hand to the lower cost of living in general, but on the other hand due to the ample space available for outdoor agility rings.

If you live in an urban area, chances are that you will train at an agility hall. The costs associated with such a facility will be reflected in the price of the class you visit.

Cost of Agility Training by Instructor

The more experienced your instructor is, the more expensive your agility class will be. Some instructors have not participated in agility competitions themselves and their own dogs are not trained to a high level. The classes with these trainers will be less expensive than classes with high-level competitors.

Some highly successful trainers (such as national or international champions) may charge as much as $150/class.


Equipment of the Course

Some beginner agility classes may not feature all types of equipment. They might only have jumps and one or two tunnels. Such classes are usually on the cheaper end, costing $10-20/hr.

On the other hand, if you visit a fully equipped agility field with all constant obstacles, weave poles, 15-20 jumps and several tunnels, you will likely pay a higher fee. A facility with a full-sized ring on grass and high quality equipment could charge $40 and more per lesson.

Cost of Agility Classes vs Seminars

Many competitive agility enthusiasts take not only weekly classes, but like to visit agility seminars throughout the year. Seminars are typically taught by highly successful agility competitors that travel nationally or internationally.

Seminars often have a specific focus, such as:

  • Certain handling maneuvers such as blind crosses
  • Obstacle skills such as tricky weave pole entries or running contacts
  • A certain type of course layout, for example European courses or distance handling
  • Training dogs of a specific age or skill level, such as young dogs starting out in agility

Seminars are typically sold in half-day packages. There are morning and afternoon sessions that are about 3-4 hours long.

Such a half-day session would typically have 8-10 working spots (meaning dogs that run the courses with their handlers) and often unlimited auditing spots (those are spectators that come without dogs).

The cost for a working spot is around $200 and the auditing spot usually runs around $50.

How much are agility obstacles?

If you want to get equipment for a training area for your yard you have many choices, depending on budget.

You can build DIY jumps for as little as $20/jump. On the other hand, you can also buy high-quality agility jumps that can cost upwards of $150 for a single hurdle.

Tunnels are an expensive piece of equipment. While practice tunnels are cheaper at around $20-$50, competition-grade tunnels are as much as $300-$400! On top of that you will need tunnel bags to keep the tunnels from moving under your dog’s feet. This can quickly become pricey.

Contact obstacles are made out of aluminum and coated with rubber granules. They can range from $200 for a pause table to over $1,300 for an A-frame with wheels.

papillon good at agility

The Bottom Line

Agility training can quickly become an expensive sport. The most affordable way to start out is through an online class. 

If you want to dive deeper into the sport, finding a less competitive outdoor field with group classes is the least expensive option. The more advanced the instructor is and the more equipped the facility, the higher the price for the training gets.

If you are looking to compete at higher levels and attend seminars, expect to pay $200 and more for a seminar slot with a nationally or internationally successful instructor.